An important step towards the development of scientific research in the field of mineral fertilizer use in Kazakhstan was taken today.

KMG PetroChem LLP and Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. The Memorandum sets out the parties' intentions to jointly promote research and education in the areas of fertilizer use, identifying key trends and patterns of interaction. The main focus is on study and exchange of experience, interaction in the arrangement of scientific activities and cooperation in multilateral programs and initiatives.

Mr. Diaz Diyanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board for Business Development of KMG PetroChem LLP, and Mr. Ismail Tokbergenov, Prorector of Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University for Science and Innovation, expressed confidence in the success and fruitfulness of future cooperation, emphasizing the importance of integrating scientific and practical efforts for the benefit of Kazakhstan's economy.

“In his Address to the people of Kazakhstan, the Head of State specifically emphasized the need to develop the oil and gas processing cluster. The implementation of the Urea project is a continuation of the development of the gas chemical industry of Kazakhstan by extending the process chain through the processing of natural gas. This provides new prospects not only for us, but also for the development of agriculture and the country's economy as a whole," Diaz Diyanov noted.

"This cooperation reflects Kazakhstan's commitment to developing sustainable and science-based agriculture, which in turn contributes to soil enrichment and increased crop yields, which are essential for the country's food security and economic growth," Ismail Tokbergenov added.

The Memorandum will become the basis for the implementation of a number of joint projects and initiatives aimed at the innovative development of gas chemistry and agrotechnical industry in Kazakhstan, including production and application of domestic urea products.

at the meeting

at the meeting

For Reference


— is the most demanded nitrogen fertilizer in Kazakhstan and its demand is met mainly through imports. It is easy to store and transport, and because it is well absorbed by plants, yields are significantly increased through its use. Kazakhstan's demand for nitrogen fertilizers is about 350-400 thousand tons.

Urea is also widely used in the treatment of emissions from thermal power plants and incinerators, in the production of AdBlue for the treatment of diesel exhaust, and is also used as a feedstock for the production of various chemical products, including resins, lacquers, plastics and medicines.

KMG PetroChem LLP

A 100% subsidiary of NC KazMunayGas JSC. The company implements and coordinates projects in the petrochemical and gas chemical areas within KMG Group. The scope of KMG PETROCHEM's activities includes a Polyethylene Plant and a Gas Separation Complex which are currently under design, as well as prospective petrochemical and gas chemical projects such as PTA/PET, Urea.

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