In accordance with the requirements of article 73 of the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan KMG PetroChem LLP on 7 June, 2023 held public hearings in Kulsary town about potential impacts on the environment during the implementation of the Construction of Gas Separation Complex project.

The hearing was chaired by a representative of the Zhylyoi district Akimat with the participation of interested state bodies, environmental non-governmental organizations, and local residents.

KMG PetroChem representatives answered all relevant questions from the public. In particular, the issues of improving the environmental situation of the region, water supply and sanitation, installation of automated emission monitoring systems on main sources, introduction of the best available techniques, and the impact of the project on the Caspian Sea were discussed.

In addition, the company clarified many social issues relating to the employment of residents and their training as part of the preparation of qualified GSC personnel.

Thus, the Kulsary activists had the opportunity to make suggestions and comments to the project engineers on the necessary measures to reduce the negative impact on the environment of the region, that KMG PetroChem will thoroughly review and consider in the project.

The public hearings were officially recognized as valid and were approved.

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