In accordance with the requirements of the Ecological Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on February 20—21, 2024, KMG PetroChem LLP held open public hearings in the settlements of Zhylyoi and Makat districts (Kosshagyl and Dossor settlements), as well as in Atyrau city. The hearings were attended by residents and representatives of local executive authorities.

The draft environmental impact assessment report on Construction of trunk pipelines (Ethane, Propane) in a single corridor in Atyrau region (hereinafter — TP project) to the feasibility study (FS) was submitted for public discussion.

The TP project is implemented to supply liquefied Ethane fraction and liquefied Propane to Polyethylene (designed by Silleno LLP) and Polypropylene (operated by KPI LLP) plants.

The PT project envisages construction of two pipelines (Ethane and Propane pipelines) in one technical corridor from the projected Gas Separation Complex (GSC) at Tengiz to the above-mentioned plants located on the territory of SEZ NIPT Karabatan in Atyrau region.

Transportation of feedstock by pipeline will ensure the reliability, continuous and safe delivery to the plants, and the implementation of TP in a single corridor will provide the project with optimal technical and economic performance due to the construction of common associated utilities and communications (power lines, fiber optic lines, highways).

During the hearings, the public was familiarized with the materials of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); in particular, specialists of KATEK LLP explained in detail that strict adherence to all design and process solutions will ensure that there will be no negative impact on the environment.

The pipelines will be constructed using seamless steel pipes with cold and corrosion resistance, coated with a factory-reinforced coating. To improve safety, electrically operated valves capable of closing in 15—20 seconds will be installed every 10 kilometers — much more often than the world's standard 30 kilometers. Such valves are provided at all key sites, including railroad, highway, and river crossings. Special access roads are provided along the pipeline route to allow emergency and recovery equipment access to key sites.

The active participation of the local community was noted, which showed significant interest in the issues of environmental well-being of the area, ensuring water supply and wastewater disposal during construction works, as well as in social aspects such as landscaping of settlements and employment of residents.

A vote was held on the results of the hearings, according to which the participants approved the presented draft.

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