Positive conclusion of the State Expert Review was received for the project of construction of trunk pipelines in Atyrau region

The project of construction of trunk pipelines (Ethane and Propane) in a single corridor in Atyrau region (TP project) is carried out within the framework of state programs on development of petrochemical industry of Kazakhstan and is aimed at providing feedstock for Polyethylene and Polypropylene plants located in the territory of SEZ NIPT Karabatan.

The feasibility study (FS) of the project was developed by the Kazakhstan company KATEK by order of KMG PetroChem LLP. The project provides for the construction of two pipelines (Ethane and Propane pipelines) in one pipeline right-of-way (ROW) from the designed Gas Separation Complex (GSC) at the Tengiz field to the Karabatan plants.

Pipeline transportation of feedstock will ensure reliability, continuity and security of supply. Implementation of the project in a single corridor will ensure optimal technical and economic performance due to the construction of unified engineering networks and communications (power lines, FOCL, highways).

The project envisages transportation of up to 1.6 million tons of liquefied Ethane fraction and up to 1.0 million tons of liquefied Propane annually. The length of each pipeline will be approximately 210 kilometers.

Construction of the project, which will be executed from 2026 to 2028, will employ more than 500 workers. About 170 jobs will be created, including local skilled labor, during the operation period.

The completion of the Feasibility Study paves the way for the next stages of the project - the design and construction of the trunk pipelines. Implementation of the project will create a single process chain (GSC - TP - Gas Chemical Plants), which will allow efficient processing and transportation of products, ensuring the production of in high-demand products with high added value.

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